Monday 10 April 2023

Who we are

The Langham Action Committee was formed in response to a planning proposal, published in February 2023, to build 35 houses on land at the north-western corner of Binham Road and North Street. At a subsequent public meeting in the Village Hall, attended by more than 50 people, the overwhelming sentiment was against this proposal.

In planning disputes residents are often at a disadvantage. They may lack unity, or technical knowledge, or an understanding of the planning process, and we are furnishing Langham with all three in order to resist unsuitable development of any kind.

To keep everyone informed we have set up this blog. You can contact us at or leave comments for others to read and comment upon in turn. Some developments in Langham have been and will be sympathetic, and the blog provides a public platform for those for and against new proposals – we do not expect the village to be preserved in aspic, and neither should it be.

To remind everyone of what we have here in this village, we intend also to run occasional features about its history and the many interesting and sometimes quirky buildings that give Langham its own special, unique, and precious character and make it such a life-enhancing place in which to live and work.

At present the committee comprises seven people:

Louise Goodenough (Chair), Jonathan Barnes, Frank Blundell, Sam Cutmore-Scott, Laura Osborne, Adam Pitchford, Fiona Priest

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