Tuesday 23 May 2023

Blog announcement

The main purpose of this blog is to let the village keep up with news about planning matters, specifically, at the moment, the proposal to build 35 houses on land at the NW corner of Binham Road and North Street. However, we are also publishing so-called ‘feature’ articles, mostly about Langham’s history, landscape and architecture. The purpose of these is to encourage and increase our cohesion as a community and to remind us of what we have.

Although the blog is published by a committee of seven people, it is really meant as a platform for everyone in Langham who wants to express a view. To that end, comments can be made on each post; we would love to see more use made of that facility, so don’t be backwards in coming forwards!

We are also very much open to contributions from others, especially if you have specialist knowledge, old photos or other memories of Langham you wish to share.

As for Lanpro’s current proposal, we do not know when or indeed if a formal, pre-planning application will be made to the District Council. It could be this week; it could be next year, so there could be a long period before anything on that front needs reporting, which is another reason for keeping the blog going with regular posts.

When a formal application is made, residents have a 21-day window in which to submit comments to the planners. It is crucial to alert everybody at the start of that period: once the window closes, no further comments can be accepted.

Even if you are not particularly interested in the feature articles, but are nonetheless opposed to the current proposal, please make a point of subscribing by email, using the gadget on the right.
Each new post will be delivered to your inbox. You can read it there if you wish, or just glance at its title and delete it if it is of no interest. The point is that you will be set up to receive the crucial announcement that a pre-planning application has been made.

The subscription service is enabled by a third-party provider, which has a strict privacy policy safeguarding your email address. We do not see your email address and there is no way for us to know it. You can unsubscribe at any time.

Thanks for reading this far, and if you haven’t yet subscribed you know what to do!

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