Thursday 13 April 2023

Meeting of village residents

All residents are invited to a meeting at the Village Hall on Friday, 28 April, to begin at 7.00 p.m.

We urge as many people as possible to attend, so that the size of the Action Committee can be decided and its members elected rather than self-selected. At the moment we are thinking that it should comprise five or seven members, the casting vote remaining with the Chair. It might also be beneficial to appoint a Secretary to record the minutes of official meetings, these to be published on this blog.

Once the committee has been constituted and formed we can move on to a discussion of Lanpro’s proposal and its implications.

In planning disputes, the onus is very much on those who object. In Langham there have been proposals like this before; objectors have to resist again and again, whereas the developer only has to prevail once. That being so, it is imperative that a united front be put up. That is why we urge you to come along if you possibly can, because a report of the strength of the meeting will inevitably find its way back to the landowner and thence GlavenHill: a formal planning application has yet to be made and will involve the developer in significant expense.

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