Wednesday 3 May 2023

Minutes of the Committee Meeting, 1 May

Minutes of the meeting of the Langham Action Committee, held on Monday, 1 May, 2023 in Old Manor Farm House, starting at 6.00 pm.


Louise Goodenough
Adam Pitchford
Jonathan Barnes
Fiona Priest
Laura Osborne
Frank Blundell

1. Election of Chair

Louise Goodenough was unanimously elected as Chair.

2. Pre-planning application for erection of six dwellings opposite the Rectory (case number IS2/23/0039)

NNDC has rejected the application. The reasons for the rejection and the corresponding policy numbers should be looked at in detail to help with objection to the North Street / Binham Road proposal.

3. Breaches of the terms of the Localism Act, 2011, by Langham Parish Council

The Parish Council has not published its Register of Interests on its website. The Chair and Vice Chair of Langham Parish Council have not registered their interests with NNDC. Jonathan had drafted a single-document complaint letter which was distributed to all members to review. All members agreed to the letter. Jonathan will submit to NNDC.

4. Parish Council Meeting on 9 May 2023 at 7.00 pm

Frank had spoken to the Parish Clerk and the North Street / Binham Road planning proposal has been added to the agenda. As our time will be limited it was suggested that we ask just one question which will need to be decided at the next Action Committee meeting. Frank will email everyone on the mailing list to remind them of the date and time of the Parish Council meeting.

5. Blog / Keeping the community informed

Jonathan proposed that the blog strapline be changed to include a celebration of the unique character and history of Langham village. Regular posts could be made to bring attention to some of the interesting historical features and / or buildings in the village, as well as any events happening. Jonathan would draft the content and the committee would review before posting. The committee members agreed. Louise mentioned that Local Lynx could also be used to keep the village up to date. A member of the community who was unable to attend the meeting in the Village Hall on 28 April had requested an update; Jonathan will publish a report on the blog.

6. Date of next meeting

Sunday, 7 May at 6.00 pm in Old Manor Farm House

The meeting closed at 7.15 pm.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Langham Action Committee. It’s useful and important for us all to see the minutes of your meetings.
    Richard Gozney.


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