Friday 25 August 2023

The Parish Council Poll

Langham Parish Council has published the results of its survey to gauge opinion about the proposed development on land to the west of North Street.

There are 308 people on the Register of Electors, though anyone could respond. 147 responses were submitted. Respondents could choose one of four answers to each question, varying from (1) ‘I support this’ to (4) ‘I do not support this’.

The questions asked are in some cases so worded as to be ambiguous, and nearly ten per cent of respondents expressed difficulty here. Nonetheless the results give some idea of the sentiment in the village. If we group together responses (1) and (2) as fully or generally supportive, and responses (3) and (4) as generally or fully against the proposal, we get the following result:

For: 202; against: 784. Thus by a factor of almost 4 to 1, opinion in the village is against the proposed development.

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