Thursday 28 September 2023

Langham Village Recreation Ground

This is a guest post by the LVRG Committee

Many people have worked hard over the last 40+ years to keep the playing field in Hollow Lane operational for the benefit of the village, and a huge thank you goes out to all of them.

Sadly, however, over the past few years the playing field has fallen into disrepair, so to give it a boost a new committee of Langham villagers has been formed to – in modern parlance – give the poor old thing a makeover.

This is a view of the playing field as it is today.

To mark the new era we have renamed it the ‘Langham Village Recreation Ground’ (LVRG). Here are some of the ideas we have had so far (click on images to enlarge):

A close-up of the under-7s’ Play Area:

We are asking everyone to tell us their thoughts and ideas (including suggestions for fund-raising), so that we can create an outdoor space for the whole village to enjoy for many years to come. To that end we have put together a survey. You may have received a copy enclosed in the latest Local Lynx: if so, please be sure to complete it.

If you would rather respond online, you can do so here. You can also keep up to date with our Facebook page or by following our Instagram. Thank you!
The LVRG Committee

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