Saturday 21 October 2023

The razing of Fox Hill Plantation

You may already know that another planning application was submitted for Fox Hill Plantation on the Morston Road.

The history of planning applications for this site may be viewed here. The latest application, having been rejected by NNDC, has gone to appeal.

The proposal would see the copse turned into a site for 39 storage containers, with additional storage for caravans and boats, as well as a facility for portable buildings for office use, together with the erection of a boundary fence. It was rejected some time ago. The site is in the North Norfolk Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and would be served by an unclassified road close to a primary school. The change of use would increase the level of traffic – particularly of goods vehicles, some of them heavy – between Morston and the church crossroads, adding to the problems in North Street.

Such a development is unlikely to provide much in the way of job creation; the coast is at capacity for boats already. The potential harms outweigh whatever benefits a development like this would bring to the area.

North Norfolk has some of the darkest night skies in the country. A storage compound of the sort proposed would undoubtedly have security lights. These would affect the whole area between Langham and Morston. And because the site is situated on a hillside, there is also the possibility of polluted runoff affecting adjoining fields.

If you wish to make any comments online please quote the appeal reference


and go to the Planning Inspectorates website. Letters should be addressed to

Safia Kaiser
The Planning Inspectorate
Temple Quay House
2 The Square

The deadline for comments is 6 November 2023, so please act as soon as you can.

The more opposition we can raise, the better the chances of scotching this scheme once and for all, so please also consider copying your comments to NNDC. Emails should be sent to and letters to

The Chief Planning Officer
North Norfolk District Council
Council Offices
Holt Road
NR27 9EN

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