Monday 24 April 2023

Agenda for the meeting on 28 April

The meeting will start at 7.00 pm in the Village Hall. The proposed agenda is as follows. If you wish to suggest a change, please leave a comment below – all suggestions are welcome!

1. Opening statement by Frank Blundell of the steering group, welcoming attendees and outlining the agenda.

2. Decision as to the size of the committee. We feel that it should have either five or seven members. The smaller committee would be more agile and able to convene in full more readily. The larger one would draw on a wider range of talent, experience and contacts. Once set up, the committee will of course be very glad of help and information from everyone in the community.

3. Decision as to who will serve on the committee.

(Ideally these two decisions will be made democratically, by a show of hands, which depends on the number of residents at the meeting. If there are more candidates than places on the committee, candidates will be asked to say why they should be elected.)

 4. Election by the committee members of a chairman or chairwoman. Vote to be put to the room if unresolved.

5. Possible appointment of a secretary to take the minutes of committee meetings, these to be published on the blog.

6. Q and A.

7. Statement by the Chair, closing the meeting, to be followed by informal discussion among those present. Refreshments will be provided by The Harper, and we would like to take this opportunity to thank Mr and Mrs Cutmore-Scott for their kindness, generosity and unstinting support.

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