Wednesday 6 September 2023

An account of the Parish Council meeting, 5 September

The meeting was attended by Sarah Bütikofer, NNDC Councillor for Priory Ward.

Till now Langham Parish Council has been under strength, with five councillors; item 4 on the agenda was the co-option of two new members, James Priest and Louise Goodenough. James Priest was co-opted without objection, whereas the co-option of Louise Goodenough was opposed by Cllr Alan Smith, and Cllr Patrick Allen abstained.

Cllr Allen, during the reception of declarations of interest (item 2), confirmed that he owns the land concerned in the proposal to build on the site west of North Street. Louise Goodenough is the Chair of the Langham Action Committee.

Item 8 concerned the village survey about the development. On this occasion, in accordance not only with the provisions of the Localism Act but the Local Government Association’s code of conduct for councillors, Cllr Allen recused himself from the discussion by leaving the room for its duration. Cllr Walker summarised the survey responses, noting that the majority of respondents had concerns about and objections to the proposal.

Although no formal motion was carried about the Parish Council’s attitude to the proposal in light of these findings, we must assume that, as a body, it will oppose any application for planning permission for this development that may be made.

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