Tuesday 12 March 2024

Update on Fox Hill Plantation

 In December 2022 North Norfolk District Council refused permission for a ‘change of use of land to storage of caravans and boats, siting of 39 storage containers, siting of portable building for office use and erection of boundary fence’ at Fox Hill Plantation on the Morston road.

The applicant appealed the decision last October, a matter we covered then.

The Planning Inspectorate has just dismissed the appeal. An earlier application, in 2020, was also turned down by NNDC and it seems unlikely now that the scheme will ever go ahead.

(Meanwhile we have been monitoring the NNDC website for any news about Lanpro’s proposal for land west of North Street. Nothing has yet come up, and it has been about a year since residents were sent the circular describing the plans.) 

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